Photography for Dummies

Step 1) Get a camera…

Funnily enough this was the hardest step. As i don’t own a camera i had to borrow one from a relative who managed to wipe the SD card clean so i have no evidence of my horrific UCD lake shots.

Step 2) Learn the lingo

Shutter Speed, Aperture, F stops, Depth of Field, ISO, DSLR. It was very intimidating at first but with a bit of hard work i hope that by the end of the meaning of all these terms.

Step 3) Find an inspiration.

So after discovering in class that there are many different types of photography styles i scoured the internet for contemporary photographers and i had a look at a lot of different styles. I found Tumblr to be the most useful site for viewing Photographers work and i found some incredible photographers whose work i’ll put in a little gallery with links below.

Step 4) Get out there.

At first it was a bit daunting and i was a bit worried that i would look like an obnoxious hipster but the best way to improve is to really just get out there and do it. I walked around UCD last Monday and just snapped pictures of anything and everything that looked remotely pretty. I also made sure that the camera was on manual settings rather than automatic so i can learn practically what exactly the aperture and shutter speed are.